Sunday, May 18, 2008


I LOVE the word candy. When it's the end of the school year, I'm just in my classroom sitting at my desk. The only thing I do is stare at the clock. You have to wait until 12:30 to eat lunch. I'd have to say, I bet all of you have a craving. Mine is Dark chocolate.
Not a lot of people like dark. So I'm glad I'm one of them. I came home one day and I looked in the cobered above the oven. That's where I keep my dark chocolate that I bought with my own money. It was eaten until it had 2 pieces left. I got mad. I looked at my mom. She told me my dad did it. Uh, huh. I said.... Before I stop writing, I would like to congratulate my aunt Jen on her new baby Trenton. Bye!


Marie Holmes said...

I can't believe you think I ate your chocolate! Of all people, I know how precious each bit of chocolate is. I would not do that to my little goooorl!
Love ya, mom